
The Different Approaches to Recognition at Work

July 22nd 2021 | |

Qu’est-ce que la reconnaissance des employés ? Il s’agit d’une réponse constructive et d’un jugement porté, de façon opportune, sur la contribution d’un employé, non seulement pour ses efforts ou ses résultats à l’égard des valeurs et des objectifs organisationnels, mais également envers son dévouement et son engagement (Brun & Dugas, 2008). Certains chercheurs mentionnent […]

Digital Natives: A New Generation of Learners in Our Organizations

July 6th 2021 | |

Today’s organizations are witnessing the emergence of a new generation with cognitive skills and ways of learning that are very different from their predecessors: the digital natives. The idea that technology and millennials are disrupting structures, processes and even culture within organizations is not new. That being said, in today’s increasingly competitive and innovative (digital) […]

Mental Health at the Heart of Our Concerns

May 19th 2021 | |

The labour market has changed dramatically in recent decades. To adapt to this shift, employees and employers have had to be flexible. With the rapid pace of global trade, labour shortages and increased competitiveness, they had to work hard to create an environment for success. The arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic is a significant challenge […]

Leadership Behind a Screen

May 3rd 2021 |

The Covid-19 pandemic seems to be the first episode of the first season of the series of changes that humanity will face. A change that has affected and will continue to affect our way of life and especially our methods of communication. Regardless of its nature, communication represents our ability to establish and maintain relationships. […]

Entrepreneurial Succession : Why and How to Plan Succession?

April 21st 2021 | |

Les petites et moyennes entreprises (PME) constituent le cœur de l’économie canadienne. Pourtant, au Canada, moins de la moitié des PME disposent actuellement d’un plan de relève. Alors que chaque organisation devra, un jour ou l’autre et pour assurer sa pérennité, vivre une situation de succession entrepreneuriale, l’idée de planifier cette succession est élémentaire : […]

The Five Competencies of Tomorrow

January 27th 2021 | |

The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a crisis that caused upheaval in workplaces. Whether employees were self-employed or worked for the public, para-public, or private sectors, organizations had to mobilize themselves and their workforce to remain productive and relevant to ensure they survived and continue to do so post-pandemic. Historical events and what they taught us […]

Professional Development in a Pandemic

December 15th 2020 | |

Le développement professionnel est généralement associé à l’obtention d’un poste de niveau supérieur dans l’organisation ou à des programmes de relève. Toutefois, le développement professionnel a pris une toute autre forme à la suite des bouleversements mondiaux causés par la pandémie. Pour la plupart d’entre nous, les événements des derniers mois nous ont amenés à effectuer des changements importants dans notre quotidien. Certains ont été en […]