
How Important Is Optimal Work Experience?

November 16th 2023 |

In today’s increasingly tumultuous world, the pursuit of personal and professional well-being is taking on greater meaning and importance. While the pandemic has brought its wake of transformations to the job market, the urge for a sense of well-being and purpose, and to have an optimal experience at work, continues unabated. Widespread labour shortages and […]

Professional Development in SMEs: How to Suceed at Low Cost?

October 24th 2023 |

Quebec’s small and medium-sized businesses face a number of challenges. Top of the list: the talent shortage. What if we took a moment to look at the problem from another angle? Because talent is everywhere, and especially in our own companies. But is it being inventoried, mapped and nurtured? What about their development? That’s the […]

Leadership and Organizational Culture: an Inseparable Duo

October 5th 2023 |

Have you ever taken the time to reflect on the influence of your managers, and their leadership in your organization? I’ve been getting a lot of questions lately about their contribution to organizational culture. It’s important to understand that when we talk about organizational culture, we’re primarily talking about how people within an organization behave, […]

I know you’re leaving: normalizing employee departures

June 7th 2023 |

Any human resources and human capital management professional will be the first one to tell you that there is a growing trend for employees not to stay in one job as long as previous generations. In fact, research has proven that, while the silent generation commonly worked for two companies on average for most of […]

5 benefits of investing in your employer brand

May 23rd 2023 |

Employer branding is now an essential aspect of recruitment today. After all, organizations are no longer just competing for products and services, but also for talent (because obviously, there is not enough to go around!). The concept is becoming increasingly topical, as the labour shortage has undoubtedly prompted many organizations to think about their human […]

Talent assessment, well beyond recruitment

May 12th 2023 |

In today’s talent-hunting environment, we often hear the same yet relevant question: WHY do we assess talent if, at the same time, we know it to be scarce and sought after? And more importantly, WHY entrust this task to an external firm, especially in such a precarious economic context? In addition to recruitment, talent assessment […]

Meaning at Work & Well-being: A Powerful Pair

April 25th 2023 |

According to the IRSST [1], “for work to have meaning, it must provide satisfaction to the person doing it, correspond to his or her interests, call upon his or her skills, stimulate the development of his or her potential and allow him or her to achieve his or her goals.” What gives a person a […]

Intergenerational Collaboration in the Workplace

April 6th 2023 |

Organizations are now composed of a great diversity of generations. The entire global workforce is now represented by 4 generations: Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y and more recently, Generation Z. The importance of thinking about the concept of generation and generational specificities has been emphasized by several researchers since the 1950s. Currently, even though […]

The Water Cooler… Even Digital!

March 15th 2023 |

You may be surprised that an article about water cooler talk is a topic that has made it to our blogs. And yet… More and more serious articles are being written on this topic. Water cooler talk is what happens when co-workers take a break and take time to relax and talk about less stressful […]

EPSI is very proud to join Pixel in celebrating the launch of Culture Inc.!

February 21st 2023 |

COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSEPOUR DIFFUSION IMMÉDIATE Gatineau, le 21 février 2023 Culture Inc. se spécialise en développement de marque employeur et marketing RH. Elle est le fruit d’une collaboration de longue date entre EPSI et Pixel et est née du désir mutuel d’offrir un service complet en développement de marque employeur et en marketing RH. La […]

The SME and its Employer Brand: A World of Possibilities! 

February 9th 2023 |

With SME month coming to a close, I would have regretted not speaking on the subject. Those who know me know that I have a special love for SMEs. They have a “li’l somethin” (as my colleague from NB would say). Their flexibility, their ability to adapt, their dynamism, their human scale (proximity to employees) […]