
What elements of your assessment strategy change when recruiting in different sectors?

November 7th 2012 |

What elements of your assessment strategy change when recruiting in different sectors? Having worked with numerous organizations in a variety of different sectors, we have been in the enviable position to witness and be actively involved in developing and implementing assessment strategies for each industry, sector or organization. While numerous elements are taken into consideration, […]

Coaching the Manager of Tomorrow

October 25th 2012 |

Coaching the Manager of Tomorrow: Outlook for the Future According to Jean Raymond Bonin, a Professional Coach with Coaching Outaouais Mr. Jean Raymond Bonin has gained extensive experience working with management teams on topics related to business management, change management as well as leadership development through coaching and facilitation; thus, he understands the dynamics of […]

André Durivage on the Development and Guidance of Future Leaders

June 24th 2012 |

What would the Dr. Do? Dispensing expert HR advice from EPSI’s President, the highly respected author André Durivage, Ph.D. Q: Last year, we developed a structured process for evaluating “up-and-comers” within the organization. This process involved a personality test, a test on interest in management and a structured interview. We selected a number of our most […]

The Growing Importance of Global Leadership

October 12th 2012 |

It is becoming more and more clear that the leaders of tomorrow will need to grow in a complex, quickly evolving, multicultural context. A number of leadership experts have therefore started to use the concept of “global leadership” to reflect the fact that leaders must contend with a changing world in which global practices abound. […]

Integrating Skilled Immigrants in the Workplace: Making it Work!

July 25th 2012 |

La gestion de la main d’œuvre est une préoccupation constante auprès des employeurs que ce soit la petite, la moyenne ou la grande entreprise. Ilssont, en outre, confrontés à des pénuries de main-d’œuvre et cela est d’autant plus vrai pour certains secteurs d’activités en particulier. Pour combler ces pénuries, les employeurs doivent de plus en […]

Employee Rention: Don’t leave me!

July 24th 2012 |

The era during which employees considered their jobs to be simply a means to make some money has ended. In fact, for workers born in the 80s, work-related expectations are quite different from those of the preceding generations. Nowadays, many factors play a crucial role in selecting a job position.  As a result, employee retention […]

Work/Family Balance Measures: A Competitive Advantage for Organizations

June 13th 2012 |

Il est dorénavant généralement reconnu que la conciliation entre le travail et la famille est un enjeu important qui préoccupe à la fois les employés et les organisations (Beauregard et Henry, 2009). En effet, les organisations n’ont d’autre choix que de considérer cette problématique dans leurs pratiques de gestion des ressources humaines, notamment en raison […]

Presenteeism: To be or not to be… At Work

June 6th 2012 |

These days, absenteeism is one of the health indicators most frequently used by organizations (Johns, 2010; Ybema et al., 2010). Many companies have set up policies and programs to decrease absentee rates as far as possible. But at the same time, for several years now, another phenomenon apparently affecting organizational health and worker productivity has […]

Leadership in Organizations: Concepts and Theories

November 4th 2012 |

This week’s post sets us up for a look in to some of the numerous concepts and theories pertaining to leadership. Larry Coutts, Ph.D. and Director, Research and Development at EPSI Inc. has reviewed an incredible amount of literature on the matter and shares with you the highlights of his findings. As organizations strive to […]

Speed up high-potential employee growth and reduce their risk of career derailment, thanks to mindfulness

March 7th 2012 |

La théorie à la base du concept de la pleine conscience fait l’objet de l’article de cette semaine. Assurez-vous de visiter de nouveau le blogue la semaine prochaine puisque nous vous expliquerons concrètement comment mettre ce concept en pratique! Le développement des futurs leaders est l’une des activités les plus critiques de la gestion des […]

Promoting Engagement with the use of the Stay Interview

February 22nd 2012 |

L’engagement des employés envers l’organisation est présentement l’une des principales préoccupations des gestionnaires et des spécialistes de la gestion des ressources humaines. Or, relativement peu de conseillers RH sont familiers avec l’entrevue de fidélisation, un outil qui peut s’avérer très efficace pour favoriser l’engagement. Ce court article vise donc à présenter succinctement ce qu’est l’entrevue […]