
Work/Family Balance Measures: A Competitive Advantage for Organizations

June 13th 2012 |

Il est dorénavant généralement reconnu que la conciliation entre le travail et la famille est un enjeu important qui préoccupe à la fois les employés et les organisations (Beauregard et Henry, 2009). En effet, les organisations n’ont d’autre choix que de considérer cette problématique dans leurs pratiques de gestion des ressources humaines, notamment en raison […]

Promoting Engagement with the use of the Stay Interview

February 22nd 2012 |

L’engagement des employés envers l’organisation est présentement l’une des principales préoccupations des gestionnaires et des spécialistes de la gestion des ressources humaines. Or, relativement peu de conseillers RH sont familiers avec l’entrevue de fidélisation, un outil qui peut s’avérer très efficace pour favoriser l’engagement. Ce court article vise donc à présenter succinctement ce qu’est l’entrevue […]

Potential and Talent Management (4)

September 21st 2011 |

Potential and Talent Management (4) The first three articles in this series presented the context in which talent management and all of its related definitions emerged, as well as the definitions and components of the terms “talent” and “potential,” the characteristics of high-potential employees and a model to help identify employees who are “A players.” […]

Potential and Talent Management (3)

September 7th 2011 |

The second article in this series on talent management and potential was devoted to defining “talent” and “potential.” This third article will examine the matter of identifying high-potential staff. The following paragraphs will include an overview of the personal qualities of high-potential employees, along with the steps to identifying an organization’s “A players.” Identifying high-potential […]

Potential and Talent Management (2)

August 17th 2011 |

In the first article in this series on talent management and potential, we provided a brief outline of the circumstances leading to the emergence of the talent management approach. We will now turn our attention to a definition of this approach and its goals. The following paragraphs will answer the questions raised in the conclusion […]

Potential and Talent Management

August 10th 2011 |

Since the dawn of the wage-based society at the end of the 19th century – and with it the division of labour and the establishment of organizational hierarchy – human resource management has continuously evolved. At the start of the 20th century, a change was observed with the advent of scientific management (developed by Frederick Taylor) and […]

The myth of the effectiveness of intuition in hiring and evaluating personnel

July 6th 2011 |

Intuition vs. Objectivity Although major differences of opinion persist concerning the nature, operationalization and objectives of talent management, nearly all authors agree that the selection and assessment of personnel is a decisive factor for success. This goes without saying: there can be no “management” of talent if this talent cannot be identified. And yet, a […]

Personality and Workplace Safety

March 28th 2011 |

Safety, a personality issue? Workplace safety has become a primary concern in many organizations. New laws are being enforced and more and more companies are participating in Health and Safety courses which allow them to promote a safe and healthy workplace environment amongst their staff. Yet every year work-related injuries and diseases cause nearly 1,000 deaths […]

The Structured Interview

November 7th 2010 |

The structured interview: a more reliable and efficient way to get the perfect P/E fit! Organizations are searching more and more for the perfect candidate that best reflects the position they are looking to hire for. The most frequently used method is the interview. Although the interview can be conducted in a structured and unstructured […]