April 9th 2008

The Need- to-Know about On-line Testing

Q: I have recently spoken with a colleague regarding the possibility of using online testing. What important aspects need to be considered prior to implementing this type of test administration?

A: The advantages of online testing are numerous. However, online testing also presents certain organizational challenges that must be closely analyzed and addressed before adopting this method of testing.

Online testing has ushered in a new era with numerous possibilities in terms of the flexibility to incorporate multiple representations (e.g. text, video, audio) in tests that this digital format allows. In addition, it offers the design of user-friendly score reports that can be accessed online and the possibility for organizations to centrally manage all of their testing needs. In implementing online testing, we have noticed that organizations reduce the time required for the hiring process, easily standardize their staffing procedures across all departments and increase their recruitment pool, while instantly improving their organizational image by incorporating this new technology in their processes.

Organizations also benefit from this new technology because it is easier to modify the content of a test and, given the ability to create data banks, they are now able to analyze items, instantly adjust norms and easily conduct statistical analyses. However, organizations that benefit from these numerous advantages ensure they have addressed the challenges associated with online testing before it is installed. These organizations analyze whether they possess the adequate hardware equipment, software, security components and Internet connection speeds required before implementing any type of system.

In addition, organizations that successfully implement online testing ensure test security is maintained by incorporating measures that closely resemble a proctored setting (e.g. identity questions, webcam sign-ins, etc). They also closely monitor the psychometric properties of their online versus paper-pencil tests to maintain equity between the two testing media.

Finally, the organization provides all personnel affected by the introduction of this new technology with training on how to use the system, thereby resulting in a more comprehensive use of the online testing, because of increased familiarity. Moreover, training ensures that technical support is available for administrators and candidates, should the need arise.

The information above presents the challenges organizations must address before being able to take full advantage of this exciting new technology. However, the benefits highlighted here only partially portray the benefits associated with online testing.