October 12th 2011

EPSI addresses your concerns about online testing

Online testing platforms can be great tools to help you work faster and more efficiently. They provide greater flexibility in terms of evaluating candidates in different areas of the world by saving time, reducing travel costs, and reducing daily costs associated with paper based testing. Furthermore, online testing platforms eliminate the need for printing tests and storing them in a secure location. Finally, reports tend to be instantly available for multiple choice type tests reducing the possibility of human error in terms of data entry.
Nevertheless, it is normal to have concerns regarding this method. According to this month’s poll results on our blog, 34% of voters expressed concern over technical issues with respect to online testing. Candidate identification was the second most popular vote with 31% of the votes and cheating came in third with 20% of the votes. Security and associated costs did not represent a major concern receiving only 9% and 6% of the votes respectively. This article will address each of these issues and hopefully ease your concerns regarding the use of online testing within your staffing processes.
Technical Issues
Technical issues can take many forms, such as a keyboard that is not set up to be in the language of your choice, poor screen resolution, or a slow internet connection. In general, online testing platforms have done a good job at addressing these concerns. Using EPSI’s online platform as an example, test data is saved on the server itself rather than on the computer. Modifying the keyboard language or the screen resolution can be done by simply logging out of the exam and logging back in once the changes have been made, without losing any data. Similarly, when the candidate experiences a weak internet connection, the exam can be resumed using a different computer. Regular automatic saves ensure that candidate answers are not lost. Furthermore, a log of candidate activity makes it easier to find appropriate solutions to technical problems.
Candidate Identification
This is an issue that comes up in every step of the staffing process. When it comes to online testing, the issue seems even bigger. How do you verify whether the person taking the exam is actually the person you registered to take the test? Of course, one of the best ways of assessing candidates using an online platform is to maintain a controlled testing environment with an administrator present who can verify the identity of candidates. Unfortunately, this can be tricky at times when you have candidates applying for jobs from different areas of the world. Since it is not practical to fly them to your office only to take an exam, one way to address this issue is to give candidates the opportunity to take the exam from an office located in their respective areas with an administrator present. For example, EPSI has partnering companies located in Vancouver who administer tests at their office locations. In this way, candidates take the exam in a controlled environment just as they would if they were taking the test at our offices.
Some online platforms offer distance testing which does not involve the presence of an administrator verifying the identity of candidates. Take our online platform for example. When you register a candidate, an access code is generated. The candidate uses the access code to log into the test at which point he/she must confirm his/her identity. Some online platforms offer the use of web cameras to identify the person taking the test. It all depends on your needs and what system works best for your organization.
Cheating is an issue that is most easily addressed by having an administrator present to supervise the test session. In cases where having an administrator present is not possible, some online platforms have found solutions to the issue of cheating. For example, EPSI’s online platform uses a mechanism whereby the candidate is automatically logged out of the system if he/she attempts to open an application (i.e, an Internet window, Microsoft Office Suite program, etc) that is separate from the testing window.
In terms of addressing the issue of candidates taking more time to write their exam than what is allotted, depending on the platform you are using, the test automatically shuts down once the time has elapsed. The issue of cheating is a concern many companies have but solutions do exist to address these concerns and it is a matter of adopting the most suitable one, taking into account the realities your company may be facing.
Before making a decision with regard to the use of an online testing platform, it is important to make sure that the company has the following layers of security:

  • Physical access to the server: the company should have security measures in place to prevent unauthorized personnel from accessing the server;
  • Electronic access to the server: the company should be giving different rights to specific people in order to limit access only to authorized personnel;
  • Data encryption: this is often referred to as the final layer of security because if ever someone did manage to access the data, it would be encoded therefore not easily legible or understood.

Over and above the layers of security, all activity on the platform should be logged. Shop around and obtain as much information as possible with respect to platform security and how the company ensures a secure testing environment before you choose an online platform.
Associated Costs
Using an online testing platform is not necessarily cheaper than traditional paper based testing. Rather, the costs are distributed differently. Generally speaking, with respect to online testing platforms, the initial costs, including set up fees and purchase of computers, are costly but you save in the long run because you no longer have to place new orders, print candidate exams and send them to the company for scoring which are all things that cost money. Online platforms help make your life a bit easier in that sense. On the other hand, traditional paper based testing is cheaper initially, but the daily costs associated with it eventually add up.
It has been demonstrated through studies that whether a candidate takes a test online or on paper, the test results are similar. There are benefits and drawbacks to both of these testing methods. It is simply a matter of deciding which one is most suitable to your organization.
Sarah Coutts
Assessment and Evaluation Consultant