SMILE! Everyone’s looking…
Smile and the world will smile back.
Nicolas Roy, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at EPSI
People often tell me that I smile quite a bit, and it’s true! It comes as second nature to me. I never thought about the impact that smiling had on others until someone pointed it out to me.
“I see you smile every day. I think it’s wonderful and it makes me happy,” said a colleague to me one day. I realized at that very moment that this simple act can influence our professional lives and make a difference in how others perceive and interact with us.
The smile effect
When we smile, our brain releases endorphins that make us feel good. It also releases serotonin, which reduces stress levels, and finally dopamine, which contributes to a heightened level of concentration. These are three of the four hormones of happiness! Smiling thus keeps us in a better mental state as we work, and helps us keep our productivity up throughout the day.

Smiling can also have an effect on the people around us. Studies have shown that when employees smile more often, their co-workers and clients tend to react accordingly, making everyone’s day more enjoyable!
A leader with a contagious smile will stand out in any context. When faced with a challenge or tricky situation, their positivity shines through and encourages others to believe that anything is possible. This positive energy boosts morale unites teams and creates an environment conducive to problem solving and creative thinking.
Smiling is about self-confidence
Even if we feel confident on the inside, our body language can at times give away our lack of confidence. On the other hand, when we step into a meeting wearing a smile, we impart our confidence and openness to those around us. This builds trust among colleagues and improves collaboration in the workplace.
Not only does smiling generate an inviting atmosphere that fosters collaboration, but it can also help display your enthusiasm in addressing the projects or tasks you’ve been assigned. Simply put, smiling sends the message that we are confident in ourselves and our abilities, which can go a long way in helping us achieve our professional goals!
Smiling makes you approachable
When someone smiles at us, they immediately present themselves in a more favourable light. People who smile are seen as friendlier and more approachable – which is great news if we are looking to build professional relationships! Smiling communicates our concern for those around us and inspires others to get to know us better. A smiling face is often much more approachable than an overly serious one.
People will gravitate toward a person with a genuine smile rather than one that looks off-putting. Smiling leaders tend to be more engaging because they have an easier time connecting with others on an emotional level and building trust between themselves and their team members. Leaders who smile tend to be better listeners. Their calm demeanour exudes empathy, which encourages conversations between parties instead of inflammatory debates or arguments.
The key is to remain truthful. Smile, YES. Pretend to smile, NO! If we are forcing a fake smile, others will catch on quickly. The desired effects will not come to fruition. The next time someone makes eye contact with you at work, take the opportunity to smile. Pay special attention to that moment and enjoy it. Not only will you make another person happy, but your own smile will surely make you happier! And try it again, you’ll get the hang of it!